Just as I arrived into the Orchard Library there was this clown that just made a call to his friend to pick him up. His was a powerful voice that pierced the silence in the library.
Many went 'shhhh! shhhh!' all about the same time but he just continued never-the-less. I couldnt see where he was but I guess he was located near to the audio section. As I walked over to the magazine section I saw him and another man that approached him to tell him to shut up .. politely but forcefully. That clown starred at him and stood up. I was about to walk over to that man in case the clown here dare to do anything nasty. Clown turned and walked out of the library.
I grabbed the magazine 'Fast Company' and after a while decided to get out to the bookstore Kino where I saw this book 'GOD is not Great' display at the store as 'New Arrival'. I thought nothing about it but just some authors using smart play of words to get attentions to sell more books.
I spent about 15 mins at Kino before I made my exit and again I saw the book near to the exit so I grabbed it (and run .. just kidding) and randomly flipped to the mid section. Hmmm ... the stuff here is good! It mentioned about while religion is of certain position, it is the people themselves that took it too far. They become self-centred, self-involved that relies everything on GOD and religions to make things happen and some interpreting it all that it SHOULD means 'this' or 'that' and change their lives around it... not taking a step back to see the whole thing clearly. This book dont looks like anti-christ stuff but more of putting people in a better perspective of what religion is and how it affects everyone, good and bad.
Personally I have come across too many of those people that are so caught up with religion that they are out peaching the goodness about it and yet their families lives are all messed up. They go around telling others how they have turn to be a better person, going all goody goody in the churches, praying halls, temples etc but it is all that once they are out of that place. They conform to the settings so much that they didnt realise that they are not who they are later.
Kinda complex but I have seen the disgusting side of all these and it irks me a lot. Being good is about being good every moment and not about being good only within the 4 walls when in a religious settings to display it so holy to others.
I have met the worse persons that are all about GOD in the church but once stepped out.. it makes Satan runs away from them. I have also met those dads that care about their fellowship more than they care about their own family members. If the members dont go to the church or as faith with them, they are deemed against them ... cast them aside and lead their own holy lives...
Who will be there when at their last moment? Who will be there to relive all that memories that they have? Giving all to GOD does not mean taking it away from your love ones to do so.
Chase the moment and fall forever. Balance everything.
Dont get me wrong, I believe there is GOD but too many times too many people are so caught up that the line is blurred up between what's real and what's not. I rather live my own real life than to be pretentious like some pursuing a 'better' nextlife.
Too many times, 'GOD' has been mistreated and used it in all the wrong ways. I am very sure HE is shedding tears at the mess, we human beings are using HIS name to do almost everything.
BTW, GOD here do not mean Christ himself but in general the better beings which I believe is what we should strike to be and not about being some angels living in heaven enjoying carefree days.
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